How do I move users between groups?
I see this question a lot on forums and have been frustrated myself. The solutions out there are mostly programmatically moving users between groups or copying them one by one, or better yet - create an AD group and use that to manage your group.
A simple answer is right on the rights page. Just select all the users you want to move, and then go to Actions / E-mail users:
Now you have unique names you can cut and paste into the new group, already semi-colon delimited and guaranteed to be unique.
Unfortunately, there are limits - only 20 users at a time seem to be all I can create using this method. Explanations differ on why this is true, but I have not found a workaround.
There are also limits built into the mailto function used by SharePoint - 2083 character length:
function BtnEmailClick(viewId)
{ULSJyi:; var emails = GetSelectedUsers(viewId, "email", ";");
if (emails.length == 0) {
alert(noUserEmailSelectedMsg); return false; }
emails = "mailto:" + escapeProperly(emails);
if (emails.length > 2083) { alert(tooManyUserEmailSelectedMsg); return false; } window.location = emails; return false; }
So for really long lists - either rinse and repeat for every 20 users, or go the programmatic way.
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